In English


My name is Harri Mulari and I'm 34 years old. You've might end up here because I'm participating local elections to be a member of the City Council of Joensuu. My party of choice is Vihreät (Green League) because it is proactive by nature. We don't have to be afraid of what the future holds. We can make it. Yes We Can. Now That Was Lame. Sorry.

I have a degree in sustainable sustainable development (Bachelor in Environmental Planning) from Turku University of Applied Sciences. Currently I'm studying Environmental Policy and the Law at The University of Eastern Finland. It could be said that I have a strong background of all things green. Except gardening. Besides my lovely personality that is the main reason I reckon myself as a good candinate.

I'll be glad to answer any questions. You can contact me through email (hmulari [at] or by phone (+358414326620).

-Harri Mulari, 394-


What kind of a place is a green municipality?


Update: 28.10.2012 FAQ

Q: Why do reckon yourself as a qood candinate?

A: I have a strong background in environmental issues and I find politics very interesting. Combine that with some personal attributes and the result is a good green candinate.

Q: Describe a green city

A: A green city looks bravely in the future and is a strong contributor to make it a better one. It is populated by people who care about environment and other people.

Q: What are the biggest challenges on coming years?

A: A boring but a truthful answer would be lack of resources. City council won't be able to do all the necessary investements whether we talk about infrastructure or people. As a greens we would like to contribute to at to make good sustainable choices despite this problem.

Q: What are the best parts of Joensuu?

A: We have a great nature with easy accessibility. I'm happy with the concerts and other cultural offering as well. And of course the people. Local ones, immigrants etc.

2 kommenttia:

  1. "FAQ - coming soon"
    Not soon enough :(
    (Posted on election day)

  2. I'm so sorry. I hope you did find a good candinate.
